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The standard for legally viable Signed NFT

Dr. habil. Jean-Marc Seigneur, founder of Reputaction that powers ArtistCert and Director of the blockchain certificate course at the University of Geneva, is the stablecoins, DeFi and NFT workstream leader of the UN ITU Digital Currency Global Initiative (DCGI).

On June 30th 2022 as shown on the photo below, he presented how Signed NFT could be standardized in order to increase their trustworthiness. So many people have been scammed by NFT that do not give any legal rights to the buyer. ArtistCert technical solution follows those recommendations for legally viable Signed NFT and will be used as a reference implementation.

On January 25th 2023, he presented Signed NFT during the UN ITU Digital Currency Global Initiative (DCGI) international conference from stablecoins to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC).

On July 7th 2023, he presented Signed NFT as a major key building block for the metaverse interoperability as part of the UN ITU 2nd Metaverse forum in Shanghai China.

As of March 2024, a new UN ITU DCGI technical report on DeFi and NFT is being finalized. This report underlines that ArtistCert smart contract created to list Signed NFTs and the links between NFTs and digitally signed documents with Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES) can greatly facilitate backward compatibility between legacy NFT and Signed NFTs.

This page will be updated as progress is made for this standard. In the meantime, you can already create your Signed NFTs with ArtistCert by becoming an official member listed on ArtistCert by clicking here.

Legally viable signed NFT standard UN ITU
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